Where does my value lie? Is it in what man says of me, Ian included? Is it in how much money I can bring home? Is it in how much of myself I can sacrifice for others? Why can I not be satisfied in what God says about me? He paid the highest ransom out there just for me. He…
Category: Musings
Musings — where my thoughts go when they don’t fit in a category. Sometimes its spiritual, others political, often its what I am learning about me and how to better embrace my life as a human being.
Eagerly Wait, Passionately Pursue, Trust in the Trying
I have a bit of an addiction going through old journals. Once I start I just can’t stop, kind of like Pringles. I recently relocated one of my favorite journals of all time. This particular journal is from Fall of 2009 to the beginning of 2010, the season of life I was in at this time was especially sweet. I was…