There is nothing like the end of a year to make you all sorts of reflective, this isn’t new or unique but here I sit typing out another run of the mill end of the year blog post. [Feel free to skip it 😏] This last decade has been one of monumental change and disproportionate levels of pain. I am…
Tag: Change
Frazzled, Frustrated and Friended
Have you ever faced a time in your life where you felt like you were being placed through a wringer? Where the very fabric of you are is being deconstructed so you can start from scratch. That is where I have been the last few weeks. God has ever not so gently been showing me MASSIVE blind spots in my…
Life Update: We May Be a Little Crazy
Hey Everyone! I know its been a while since I have posted and if you are one of the ones who follow along the last several posts have been HEAVY. To lighten things up I wanted to give you a peek into our new big adventure! We have had two main reactions since our announcement a couple of weeks ago: 1.…