My whole life I have always had things planned out: where I would live, what I would do, who I would be.
My life has turned out Nothing Like I Expected but it is far better than I could have ever dreamt or imagined.
Being a wife was not high on my list of things to become in my early 20s but that took a drastic turn when I met Ian. He was everything I never knew I needed. We got married when I was the ripe old age of 21 in August of 2010. Marriage by no means is easy but it has been the greatest thrill I have ever experienced. I loved my life before Ian but now I don’t know how I lived without him.
Motherhood was even lower on the list of things I dreamt of becoming, especially in my 20s.
Once again things took a sharp turn and I ended up on a road I wasn’t expecting.
I always said I wanted an adventurous and meaningful life and I am not sure if there is anything more adventurous or meaningful than motherhood.
Judah was born in October 2011 and my life has forever changed. I never knew that something so little could be so wonderful, perfect and challenging. I learned to embrace the new mom life and it is definitely Nothing Like I Expected my life to look like at 22. By the age of 30 there were 5 little dudes to have epic adventures with.
Here we are years later I am still often caught off guard at how my life is Nothing Like I Expected but so much sweeter.
Life is constantly changing, evolving and growing. We have big vision and big dreams. I am grateful.